Friday, January 2, 2015

Things I've Done Since My Divorce... That I'm Pretty Darn Proud Of...

1. Stopped caring what most people think of me.
2. Traveled alone (solo!)... and traveled alone with both kids!
3. Confidently started saying "table for one" without being apologetic.
4. Laughed at my level of happiness.
5. Asked for help when I needed it.
6. Received help from the most unexpected places, even when I didn't realize I needed it!
7. Got my old name back.
8. Checked off "Head of Household" on more than one form.
9. Started every day off counting my blessings.
10. And ended every day by counting them again!
11. Learned to soak up every second and take pure joy just in being present in the moment with the ones I love.
12. Learned how to handle the logistics of "life" all by myself. That might sound crazy, but this was the first year I navigated "life" without my dad. It was rough. But I survived! (see below...)
13. Set up a special needs trust for Holden
14. Created a will.
15. Started thinking for myself.
16. Put more time and emphasis on relationships I had neglected.
17. Asked God for help.
18. Took joy in, and put priority on, the little things in life... like bi-monthly mani-pedis with Harper!
19. Regained a healthy outlook on the future AND released 18 lbs of toxic weight!
20. Genuinely began looking forward to the future! 

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